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Below are my tips and notes to myself for hiking. I hope these might be useful for you, too!
- Snow information
- Fire information
A month ahead of time
- Identify the hike via the Washington Trails Association. Maybe choose a hike that's already in my backpack!
- Identify a backup trip
- Ensure I have the appropriate, current, permit (e.g. the Discover Pass)
- Ensure I have snack bars, vegan energy gel, and electrolyte tablets
A day ahead of time
- Charge devices
- Check flashlight batteries
- Check snow levels
- Download road and trail maps
- Figure out whether the car needs gas
- Gather supplies
- "Trail magic" e.g. toilet paper to leave
- Bladder
- Dr. Bronner's and/or hand sanitizer
- Emergency stuff
- Flashlight
- Gel x2
- Hat
- Hiking pants
- Map
- Odometer?
- Pack
- Parking permit
- Sandwich bag(s) for trash
- Snack bars x1
- Read recent trip reports
The morning of
DO NOT DRINK COFFEE (I already have enough energy.)
- Charge external battery and phone
- Fill up another Nalgene bottle for the car afterwards
- Fill up bladder
- Make a Nalgene bottle with the electrolyte tablets
- Notify others of itinerary
- Take parking permit
- Empty backpack pockets e.g. for bar wrappers
- Clean Nalgene bottle
Thanks very much to Laura from work for sharing tips!